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Savvy Apparel is an Apparel Product 发展 Firm and Cut & Sew Contractor for the Apparel and Fashion Industry. 萨维尔参与了许多服装系列的开发,这些服装系列在诺德斯特龙(诺德斯特姆)等知名零售商销售, 梅西百货, 好市多, 沃尔玛, and high end boutiques throughout the country. 正规赌篮球的APP内容包括:服装设计, 模式使, 数字化, 分级, 标记, 技术包, 原型, 最后的样品, 采购, 生产管理, 和生产. 我们大量参与街头男装和女装的开发和生产. 逐渐, our product category has expanded to workout clothing, 滑雪穿, 户外登山, 骑自行车运动, 休闲, 生活方式, 工作服.



We help clothing brands bring their ideas to life.


建立精明服装工作室,成为服装产品开发和生产的领导者, while honoring our values of efficiency, 精度, 创造力, 和诚实. We make design concepts and ideas a reality, for not only established apparel brands, but also small businesses just getting started. 我们让梦想成真.




A passion for fashion runs deep in MABEL MONTALVA’s DNA. “我在智利父母的服装厂长大,我知道时尚是我的命运. I love everything about it; the 创造力, 纺织品的手感, the joy of seeing one of my designs come to life.”

美宝的设计和技术专长吸引了许多知名客户, 包括梅西百货, 诺德斯特姆, 好市多, 和沃尔玛, 仅举几个例子. Her apparel collections appear in high-end boutiques across the country, and range from men’s and women’s streetwear, 休闲, and workwear to performance apparel including ski, 登山, 骑自行车, 锻炼装备. When asked for the secret to her success, 梅布尔 smiles and replies, “Secret? 没有秘密! I’ve spent my whole life in this profession. 我一直致力于完善在这个行业中脱颖而出所必需的工艺和艺术, and I maintain strict quality standards for myself and for my business. My experience extends far beyond that of just fashion designer.”

梅布尔还是个孩子的时候,就跟父母工厂里的专业人员学习缝纫. 高中毕业后,她前往欧洲,在巴塞罗那著名的Escuela Guerrero学习时装设计和工业图案制作, 西班牙. Escuela Guerrero is renowned for rigorous performance standards. 梅布尔 captured the school’s top prize for her final project, 不仅仅是获得奖学金, 还要有教师证书.

She moved to the US in 1998 and married her husband, 罗伯特·阿拉, then began working in sales for 诺德斯特姆. In 2001 梅布尔 and Roberto welcomed twins. 在接下来的五年里,梅布尔承接了一些小型的设计项目,直到机会来敲门. 树荫下的衣服, 犹他州的一个小品牌, experienced incredible success with the introduction of the cap-sleeve shirt, 是什么让他们登上了时尚版图. 梅布尔为她们设计的服装既注重身体,又不会暴露太多皮肤. 在2000年代中期,树荫下的衣服迅速成为“朴素服装”潮流的领导者. Her first swim collection created a huge splash. “有一天,我在社区游泳池,发现有八个女人穿着我设计的衣服.”

在Shade,梅布尔戴过很多帽子. 她不仅设计了, 但是发展模式, 管理的下水道, 进行工厂审核, and sourced new fabrics and accessories. With experience in so many facets of the business, 她开了一个自己的小工作室,在那里她可以尝试新的概念.

到2008年,她已经做好了成长的准备,并接手了一个新客户,另一个朴素的服装品牌Modbod. Modbod was under new ownership that wanted to aggressively grow the business. 他们收购了另一家公司under挑逗,这家公司与诺德斯特龙、沃尔玛和好市多都有业务往来. “多么忙碌、忙碌、激动人心的时刻啊!梅布尔惊叫道. 她的职责与她在Shade的职位相似,只是增加了面料设计. 她到处旅行, 在哥伦比亚进行工厂审核, 萨尔瓦多, 多米尼加共和国, 和印度.

她的工作越来越受到关注. 2009年,她被《正规赌篮球的APP》评为犹他谷十大最酷的企业家之一. She designed a new line of women’s basics and christened it 梅布尔Montalva, 终于在她的作品上加上了她的名字. 此后不久,摩门教会找到她,为智利的八个传教会设计衣柜,以庆祝教会在该国成立50周年. She accepted that commission, and moved back to Chile for two years. “这是一个梦想项目. I even got to work at my family’s business for a time.”

2012年回到美国, 梅布尔 began teaching Fashion Entrepreneurship at Salt Lake Community College. She added a new class, 生产, to the college’s schedule. 这两门课今天仍然很受欢迎. 在此期间,她被DownEast Outfitters聘为技术设计师. 她用最新的产品生命周期管理软件为他们制作了技术包, handling approximately 40 new styles per month, 包括直列产品. She traveled to Shanghai to audit factory production.

2014年,梅布尔再次成为母亲, and made the decision to retire so she could stay home with the baby. That didn’t last very long – Persnickety children’s clothing came calling, and 梅布尔 found herself immersed in a new facet of the clothing industry. 这一次, 然而, she supplied the company with cut-and-sew services, establishing her own factory in Utah County. She also designed a dress line called Lolabelen. The family relocated to Nevada in 2015 w在这里 梅布尔 established a home studio. Her own clothing lines – She-Traveled and Angelwish – began t在这里. 杠铃服装, 专营运动服, 也加入了她的工作室, 她还在为他们制作从概念到生产的技术要求很高的服装吗.

SAVVY APPAREL STUDIO became the next step in 梅布尔’s fashion journey. It evolved organically, a natural gathering of her diverse skill sets. “我很幸运能把我的专业培训和多年的工作经验结合起来. 对服装建设有扎实的基础和直观的认识. I’m well-versed in both design and fabrication. 我理解最微小的错误可能导致整个生产运行的损失, 这就转化成了美元. 我的标准很高——为了保护我的客户和我自己的生意,我必须这么做.”

As the 首席执行官 and 技术服装设计师 of SAVVY APPAREL STUDIO, 梅布尔 not only has the opportunity to indulge her love of fashion, but to flex her entrepreneurial muscle as well. Savvy是一家提供全方位正规赌篮球的APP的公司, 提供的不仅仅是设计, 但是图案制作, 原型和样品, 材料采购, 生产管理, 服装生产. Savvy maintains US manufacturing facilities in California and Utah, with a dedicated US/UK team handling the day-to-day product development. 美宝在台北组建了一支由43人组成的专业采购团队, 并与全球50多家制造工厂签订了合同. 有了这种国际影响力, Savvy能够利用位置优势,降低运营成本,为客户提供最大的生产价值.

What’s next for this passionate entrepreneur? “全球经济增长. T在这里 are so many small designers out t在这里 with big ideas. I want to help them bring their products to market, and I’m in the unique position to assist from start to finish. 这是一种不可思议的祝福!”




Apparel Product 发展 (Pre-production)

We get your idea through the process and get it ready for production.

  • 设计
  • 技术设计
  • 技术包
  • 模式使
  • 并列出
  • 标记
  • 原型和样品
  • 生产管理
  • 采购

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We can produce women’s, children’s, men’s apparel, and accessories.

  • U.S. production factories in California and Utah
  • Overseas production country locations in China and Vietnam




  • Supervise production at any factory in the world
  • 质量保证
  • 审计
  • 检查

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